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Tuesday, December 05, 2006


The Commons Blog
Free-Market Environmentalism
The Commons Blog is a collaborative web log dedicated to the principle of promoting environmental quality and human dignity and prosperity through markets and property rights. Put more simply, it’s about free markets protecting the environment.

Environmental Economics Blog
The Environmental Economics blog is dedicated to the dissemination of economists’ views on current environmental and natural resource issues. We hope this blog will help bring economists’ views on environmental issues further into the mainstream. The intended audience includes the general public and students. Posts are non-technical.

Green Finds
“Your Daily Dose of a Green Lifestyle”
New venture explores the abundance in sustainable living and business practices available to us. It’s a beautiful thing to wake up to a progressive green world. The open minds and open hearts of the people behind the green movement are tapped into a higher level of consciousness, which is driving this socially responsible movement towards a new earth with new goals. Their free daily email features green products and green services, and, in most cases, subscribers get an exclusive discount on products featured in the newsletter.

Green Thinkers
Greenthinkers is a web site that was created as a place to discuss and present ideas on how to live a more green life. The Greenthinkers crack team of writers are usually pretty informal yet skillful in their attempts to get you to go green.

Gristmill Blog
From Grist.org, one of the web’s top sites devoted to environmental news and commentary.

Ideal Bite
The concept behind Ideal Bite is that if we all knew what to do in our day-to-day lives to help impact the planet and our communities positively and painlessly (and without preachiness), we would all do it. With that in mind, Ideal Bite was created as the ultimate online source of clever ideas that are good for both people and the planet. Readers are empowered through tips, opinionated editorial and lively interaction. Facts and suggestions on green food, travel, products, services, and more are spoon-fed daily via email, and our editors' personal stories about using those tips are found in daily blog postings. The mission is to create a sustainable economy.

Joel Makower
Sustainable Business. Clean Technology. Green Marketplace.
Joel is founder and executive editor of GreenBiz.com, as well as its sister sites, ClimateBiz.com and GreenerBuildings.com. He also is co-founder of Clean Edge Inc., a research and publishing firm focusing on building markets for clean energy technologies; and senior consultant to GreenOrder, a sustainability strategy firm. The Associated Press has called him "The guru of green business practices."

"Source for Renewable Energy News and Information"
Includes sections on news, products, companies, and jobs. Pretty sweet.

Self Sufficient-ish
“The urban guide to almost self-sufficiency.”
Self Sufficient-ish provides a growing database of self-sufficiency articles for the organic grower. This blog aims to make your road to self-sufficiency an easier one.

Sustainablog is dedicated to news, information and personal meanderings related to environmental and economic sustainability, green and sustainable business, and environmental politics.

TreeHugger is a fast-growing web magazine, dedicated to everything that has a modern aesthetic yet is environmentally responsible. Goal is to make sustainability mainstream and to be the one-stop for the environment. Looking for solutions, constructive developments, and positive initiatives.

Triple Pundit
Serving people, planet and profit: An 'integrated bottom-line' approach to looking at business from the next generation of MBAs.

WorldChanging.com works from a simple premise: that the tools, models and ideas for building a better future lie all around us. That plenty of people are working on tools for change, but the fields in which they work remain unconnected. That the motive, means and opportunity for profound positive change are already present. That another world is not just possible, it's here. We only need to put the pieces together.


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